Build AritmaControl Software

123apt-get install freeglut3-devgcc 'plt_view.c' -lGLU -lGL -lglut -lm Point in polygonLine–line intersection Delete ...

Build SDCC for PIC

Problem with gputils v1.5.xWhen building with SDCC, v1.5.x outputs non-printable chars in the COFF file which causes ...

Assembler for PIC

Tutorials WinPicProg PIC TutorialOnly first tutorial from previous link series.PIC Tutorial One - LED’s

Balancing Bateries

Basic info about BatteriesA Guide to Understanding LiPo Batteries Cell balancing buys extra run time and battery life...


Plotter ARITMA A512 SchemataSouřadnicový zapisovač Colorgraf Aritma 512

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

Flash ROM TWRP booted click on “Wipe Click on “Format DataType “yes” and confirm format action Once format data is do...

Sound Measurement

Damping of sound level vs. distanceDamping of sound level (decibel dB) vs. distance Calculate 1/3-Octave-Band Filter...